题 目:基于应力路径试验的砂土中打入桩循环受荷性状研究
报告人:Richard Jardine英国帝国理工学院教授,英国皇家工程院院士
时 间:2016年9月23日(周五)15:00-17:00
地 点:紫金港校区安中大楼A326
Richard Jardine教授是国际知名的岩土工程专家,英国皇家工程院院士,英国土木工程师学会和英国城市公会资深会员,第56届朗肯讲座人。目前担任英国帝国理工学院土木与环境工程系常务副系主任。主要研究方向为:土的基本特性、室内和现场试验、近海工程、桩基础工程、软土工程、防灾减灾工程以及岩土工程测试系统研究开发等。Jardine教授是ICP海洋桩基设计理论和方法的创始人。他也是一位国际学术界的知名活动家,担任多个国际专业学会会员和国际著名期刊编委,并兼任国际著名高校的访问客座教授,2012年入选浙江大学教育部海外名师计划。
There is a growing appreciation of the practical need to address the cyclic behaviour of piled foundations. Laboratory tests may be designed to provide site specific cyclic soil characteristics, but questions arise including how to: (i) take into account pile installation process and (ii) apply the results to assess pile capacity and deformation responses under cycling. This talk describes laboratory research conducted to answer these questions. Our investigation was performed in conjunction with field-scale and model pile cyclic tests carried out in France on displacement piles installed in Dunkerque and Fontainebleau sands. Forty computer-controlled, locally instrumented, cyclic and static triaxial tests and more than a dozen cyclic HCA tests were performed on these sands, following testing schemes that reflected the conditions applying in soil elements adjacent to the pile shafts. The latter relied on careful measurements made earlier in intensively instrumented model experiments. Assessments were made of how the cyclic variations of stresses imposed during installation, and the period allowed for the sands to creep following such ‘installation’ effects, affect the response to subsequent cycling. constant-volume, one-way and two-way, cyclic tests involving up to 5,000 cycles were imposed from alternative sets of initial conditions that revealed the relationships between the cyclic deviatoric amplitude, the changes in mean effective stress and number of cycles as well as the permanent strain accumulation and cyclic stiffness characteristics. The cyclic laboratory tests’ interpretation allowed the results to be synthesised and compared directly with the field and laboratory cyclic pile test trends, allowing clear conclusions to be drawn for practice.